To quote the lyrics from the old song, June had quite literally been busting out all over with wonderful adventures and meet-ups with family and friends.
For those of you who have never visited the Cotswolds it is one of the most beautiful parts of rural England. Better than that, it has the added bonus of being home to our oldest friends from Dubai, the Eagles
Cathie and Nick left Dubai a couple of years before us and they were greatly missed. We loved those Italian nights at Don Corleone at the Metropolitan Hotel, take away curry from Eric’s on the Sheikh Zayed Road (yes that really was the name of the curry house) and of course, Cathie’s Chilli Night at home followed by a movie. These may seem like simple things but for long-term expats these are the things you enjoy the most…real family time with the dearest of friends.
Mrs. C and I had been back in UK for almost six months and this get together was long overdue. However, with so much to do to get back in to the system and with our goods and chattels delayed by a couple of months (via Pakistan twice, India twice, Jeddah, through the Suez Canal, Tangiers, then to Hamburg before finally reaching London), we had been putting off a visit to Cathie and Nick until all was done and we could be completely relaxed. So, as usual, we fired up the Polo, put Carterton in to the sat-nav and headed up the A38.
What a joy it was to finally arrive and see our old friends in the flesh rather than through the screen of an iPad. As usual many hugs and kisses, lots of news to catch up on and of course a few gin and tonics to loosen everyone up.
Now the area in which Cathie and Nick live is absolutely beautiful and for our first evening they took us for a dinner at the nearby village of Shilton. Actually by took I mean we walked across a field, down a country lane and across a ford in to a picture perfect village.
En route to a cold beer
Cathie and Mrs. C looking an absolute picture
Rural Cotswalds
No traffic Jams here
Before partaking in the local beverages we did do a little sightseeing and had a look around the beautiful village church.
The Rectory
A quiet moment of reflection
Having worked up an appetite we headed off to the centre of the village for dinner at the Rose and Crown.
The Rose and Crown Shilton.
Now I am always up for anything and then local brew is an interesting pint which goes under the name of “Shagweaver”. I am not sure how that translates across a myriad of languages, especially when I was asked by the barmaid what she could do for me and I replied, “A shag please!”. By the expression on her face that was not the first time she had received such a response! .
A point of Shagweaver please landlord!
This was all followed up with a delicious dinner and once again, a few more pints and coincided with some fallibility with my manual focus skills. Funny that!
Knowing my propensity to grab an image, the next day we were taken to a couple of well known locations. I was all primed for some street photography with the Leica Q and I seemed to be getting to grips with this 28mm focal view.
First location was the beautiful Bourton On the Water.
As you can see the place is heaven and a firm favorite for tourists. After the girls spent some time browsing in the local shops we finished with jam scones at the Chestnut Tree Tea Rooms. Trust me they were heaven.
We then moved on to Burford. In fact Mrs. C and I had visited this beautiful village back when she was a “Child Bride” with our dear friends Shelagh and Clive and we had many fond memories.
Burford High street
An arty moment
The Church of St. John the Baptist
Embracing the shadows.
As we walked back to our car I captured my favorite image of the day, an elderly gentleman at complete peace in the middle of his beautiful garden. He was clearly oblivious as to what else might be going on in the world. Seems like he is doing something right!
An Englishman and his country garden
What a wonderful couple of days we have had with a couple of our dearest friends. We can wait for episode two when they come to visit us in Plymouth.
Warmest regards to all.