What a month that June has been but the question was, how to round it all off? Easy, lets get all of Mrs. C’s side together for our annual visit to Somerset Cricket Club at the County Ground Taunton.
Now this annual event is a firm favourite with all the family, witnessed by the fact that we had 100% attendance (save for Anna and Matthew who were at Matthew’s brother’s wedding where Matthew was Best Man).
Robert, who has been a life-long supporter of Somerset hires out one of the hospitality boxes (we normally have the Bill Alley Suite) and we all come together to catch up on each others news, eat a hearty lunch, take a drink or three and oh yes, watch some cricket!
This was also the first time that we had had all four generations of the family in attendance at County HQ thanks to our lovely Maggie who was making her first class debut.
The Somerset Faithful awaiting the start of play.
Now we are a family of routine and so everyone very quickly reverted to type. “Mother” was in charge (she was unanimous about that), Grandad Robert thought he was in charge, the young ones went in search of food and alcohol, Aunty Sarah, being head of family hydration, was already one step ahead and had actually secured supplies of alcohol, Cousin John tried to explain the rules of cricket to Kitty, whilst I continued to candidly snap images so as to record the day.
Don’t worry team, Aunty Sarah has found the booze!
The Family in full flow
View from the box
Now I listened with great interest as John explained to Kitty the intricasies of our beloved “Summer Game” and I must say it differed considerably from the potted version that I had explained to Kitty over breakfast.
My version goes along the following lines: “weather permitting, 11 blokes dress up in white, play with a red ball on the green bit, and try to get those that are in out, so that they can go in themselves whilst the other team try and get them out. Meantime, we have morning coffee, followed by a rather delicious lunch in the clubhouse, have a kip, followed by afternoon tea following which, we check the score to see who was most likely to win. Nothing complicated about that and rather eloquently explained I thought although, I do remember that Kitty’s eyes seemed to glaze over!
Whilst all that was going on I liked to roam around the ground with my Leica Q and try and capture a few images of the cricket from a different perspective.
Did I mention it was essential to wear a hat?
Just a few more steps….
Mrs. C - Cricketing goddess
One day it will be you my son…..
Its looking like a moody afternoon, hope they keep the Thatchers cold.
Mother - we all knew who was in charge
Stairway to cricketing heaven
Now, the main event of the day was actually the cricketing debut of young Maggie. We felt that it was important for her future development that we introduce her to the “Summer Game” as early as possible. Naturally, she took to it like a duck to water and had a wonderful time.
Maggie with mum and great grandad
What a beauty and Maggie looks lovely too!
Vital cricketing skills - Mum demonstrating to her daughter how to down a pint of Thatchers!
Well what a day we had. As always, thanks must go to Robert for making all the arrangements and bringing us all together and to all the family for being there. It really was a non-stop day but in the end and for some, it was all a bit too much……
Heres to next year at the box and regards to all from a wet and windy Plymouth.